Tag Archives: Cats

Cat Tree
Cat Tree

Happy Friday everyone,

A bit of a varied collection this week:

First, the coupon code OCTOBER is still effective on my Etsy store though the lowered pricing has ended.

Wormy Wood I am considering for a project
Wormy Wood I am considering for a project

We have been trying to finish projects around the house this week and next so I have one of those to show.

Wormy Wood, other side
Wormy Wood, other side

It is a cat tree built into the corner using a favorite branch of a couple of the cats. There is a small red shelf midway up for them to play on. I left short branches for them to grab and hang from since they love that.

Also there are several drawings from my notebook. These are pencil.

Chinese Style
Chinese Style
Furniture Sketches
Furniture Sketches

Unusual Clockwork Cats

Another of the collections from this week. Assuming my computer lets me load it this time.

Very unusual.
Very unusual.
I love it, but it has some very intriguing choices and ideas.
I love it, but it has some very intriguing choices and ideas.
Very neat.
Very neat.
What an odd clockwork cat....in so many ways.
What an odd clockwork cat….in so many ways.
Looks like SciFi and clockwork met here.
Looks like SciFi and clockwork met here.
Very neat, but it was an unusual direction for a clockwork cat.
Very neat, but it was an unusual direction for a clockwork cat.
Just odd choices and perspective.
Just odd choices and perspective.

Cat Play Area Drawing

Today at work I was working with the dogs (I’m an assistant trainer at a pet resort, and I take care of the guests as requested) and considering the difference between varies breeds, categories, and pet types. I have cats personally and don’t really want dogs, but I enjoy working with them. It is interesting the things you can consistently expect from various types of dogs. Some examples I thought of: All retrievers have shared traits, and labs have some that most other retrievers may not have. One thing retrievers do constantly, many breeds don’t, is eat dirt and rocks. All bulldogs have some similarities and I really blame people for the miss-categorization of their personalities. I find them great to work with, they are fun to train. Their personality tendencies, mix of intelligence and plain denseness, loyalty pushing overprotective zeal, and their strength make a nice do but one you have to watch their triggers and know what they react to. That is a key with all breads though – what do they react to without thought. You can see in their eye the moment the brain kicks back in after a reaction. It is unfair to punish them for a reaction to something they should not have been exposed to, it seems to me.

Anyway, this is all very unrelated to my piece…actually it’s not really. I drew, in pencil, a cat climbing thing. I am planning on taking a wall or two and the tops of a few others in our house and making them a cat place. This stemmed from that idea, but is only a beginning. I had a whole other section for the piece but really don’t have time today. Maybe when I do a computer version, I’ll add a couple sections. I should also mention that I am slowly making the house over in a steampunk Alice general concept inspired by the video game Alice. As you can see in this piece, it is often subtle, though the entire kitchen/ dining area is dark red. I build furniture when I have a place to work and like to design pieces whether I make them or not – they inspire me when I do start to build. My actual pieces tend to develop rather organically as I build and the plan I so painstakingly drew is left behind as a lovely fiction. Mother always said I saw the world from a different perspective than everyone else, thus why my drawings are always at odd perspectives not used by others, often impossible ones to actually view the object or scene from in life.

day 5 Cat play zone
Pencil drawing of part of a steampunk Alice cat play zone in my head.