Tag Archives: illustration

Publishing an Organized Book

This week was a bit scattered due to family tragedy but I did publish a book I had been working on. I am more pleased with this one and because of it will be releasing a second edition of the first that is expanded and possibly has illustrations. This one is based on my educational and work career as well as my life and experience and how it can help others in their homes and lives. The illustrations are drawn by me and the front image is by me of a box I made, for sell on my Etsy site (ArtsFolly).Organizing cover

Organizing Your Home

Most of my other projects have slowed or were on hold until we get through the issues. Though I did gather supplies and create some new design ideas.

My plan for my next jewelry pieces is still mini paintings but I have glass, copper and wood instead of canvas.

Well, that is my brief for this week, hope everyone here is well.