Category Archives: Phone Camera

Art Deco Cars!

If you know me at all, you know I love cars, motorcycles, engines, and anything related. I love the feel of a powerful engine, the unique sound of an unusual engine, the special quirks of rare mechanical and the function of a well engineered machine. I love the art, the style, the engineering, the mechanics, and the the dirty details. I work on them, caress them, listen to them, admire them, and covet them. From Ducati to Norton, Bugatti to Edsel I love good design and quality work.

This past week my husband and I, who is a fellow admirer went to the Houston Fine Arts Museum to visit an exhibit of Art Deco cars. These were taken with my Fire phone, not the good camera from work.

Rodeo Houston 2016, March 15

These were taken with my phone not a good camera, but it was a good night at the Rodeo. There were good rides in all the competitions and notable ones in several. One notable ride was notable not for it’s spectacular or brilliant nature but rather for it’s lack thereof. The bull, 3 tries in a row refused to do anything. He just stood there looking around when they opened the gate. The cowboy received a new bull to ride.

Kid rock was entertaining and puts on a fun show. He looks like he is enjoying himself.